Marathon Mom & Dad

Marathon Mom & Dad
The Masoner Clan after Mike & I finished the Top of Utah Marathon last fall

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm a Super Hero's Mom

This is my oldest daughter, Hailey. She's 14 1/2 going on at least 16 (which is a huge problem...). She is a freshman at her high school.

Pref (Girl's choice dance) is this weekend and so they have been having dress up days (Monday-pajama day, Tuesday- Foreign Exchange day, etc.). Well, apparently today, Wednesday, is Super Hero day.

We were having dinner with Mike's family on Sunday and Hailey and her cousin Callin (sophomore) were talking about what super heroes they could dress up as. I think it might have been my bright idea for them to go as the Wonder Twins.

Of course, they had no idea who I was talking about (thank goodness for Google!). After they looked up the Wonder Twins, they thought it would be a great idea.

I thought they needed the costumes for Friday, but no, they were for today! So, of course, we were frantically putting this together last night (no wonder my laundry never gets done...).

I traced a pair of her workout shorts and made a pattern for these shorts... I think they actually turned out ok. Hopefully someone will take a picture of the two of them together.

Working on this costume with Hailey was one of those rare moments of bonding: the two of us working on something together, trying to make the uncooperative fabric line up, laughing when the first fitting was WAY too small, figuring out how to fix that, plus the fact that she kept saying how "legit" it was. Mike was there too, in a supporting role...

At first I was getting frustrated that I wasn't going to have time to complete my training run for the day, but this morning when she was so happy to have such a "legit" costume, I realized that it was worth it. You just don't get those kinds of moments very often...

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